Stolen Pixels #228: All Points Bu


79 days. That's how long APB ran. The box is still connected shelves, and I'm sure a few unfortunate stragglers will land up buying it, despite the fact that with the servers deceased the disc is just a very expensive coaster. Proficient thing you potty return PC games for a inundated give back, right?

It's a sad tale. I really (briefly) considered APB for my following Shamus Plays serial publication. The game wasn't interesting sufficiency to support that sort of attention, simply there were a couple of gems mixed in with the dross. This wasn't a game shoved out the door proto to make a nimble horse. This wasn't a game built by fools. This title was lavished with money and natural endowment, and it ended up falling apart anyway. There were a lot of risky ideas here that equitable didn't pan off and weren't all that fun, even though they probably sounded alike dynamite on paper. That's the way it goes in business sometimes.

The game featured the most comprehensive customization system of any brave, ever. In panel 2 you can see a car I designed myself. Okay, it was eye-searingly ugly (which was the point) but was as wel very, identical unequalled.

Shamus Young is the guy behind Twenty Sided, DM of the Rings, and Stolen Pixels, Shamus Plays, and Spoiler Warning. And no of that is his 24-hour interval job.


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